About Me


Hello and welcome to the blog that will post anything and everything that pertains to Life [as we know it]. My name is Jeremy and I’m a 22 year old trying to make sense of this life here on Earth.

I’m sure the Da Vinci quote has now played back at least a couple of times in the back of your mind. If not, please read it again. This simple yet oh-so-intriguing phrase will be the reoccurring theme of my blog, whether intentional or not, you will soon realize that everything I post will relate back to this phrase. It holds so much truth and serves as a perfect foundation for any kind of higher, outside the box, thinking. I want to make it clear that I am no professional and I have no special degree. I am a simple soul trying to make the best of this human experience. I am not here to teach; I am simply here to spread information and knowledge that I feel everybody could benefit from. I guess you can say I am here to awaken the people from their apathetic slumber and help raise the vibration of LOVE here on Earth.

We are living in a epoch of great chaos, both good and bad. There is a ‘war’ on our minds going on, and it has been happening for as long as man can remember. Yes, you guessed it, this blog will entertain plenty of conspiracies (which is simply critical thinking), and it will question everything we thought to be true. If you’re already in the rabbit hole, I welcome you with open arms and open heart, I’ve been here for half a year and this journey sure gets lonely! For those of you just scratching the surface, rest assured, you are not alone! Everybody makes a difference; the more we raise our awareness and consciousness, the bigger of an impact we have on the world and the paradigm shift we are currently experiencing as a collective universal whole. There is no waiting, the time is always Now.

You can expect a lot of variety in my posts, I do not care what other people think and since this is a personal blog, I will stay true to myself. My passions and overall lifestyle will intertwine with my posts whenever appropriate. I intend to be as open and uncensored as possible. This blog strives for a meaningful, spontaneous presentation of knowledge and information not only pertaining to spiritual evolution, raising awareness,  the understanding of nature, the universe, and human life but my daily posts will also entail crucial matters that are political, historical, or esoteric in nature. I would like to share only good vibes for you good people, this world has seen more than enough hate. My goal is to appeal to as many like-minded people as possible to join me in this wonderful human experience. With that said, debate is accepted and encouraged here, however, any “trolling”, “spamming”, or attacking others on this page is not.

Thank you for all of your support! We Are One ❤

5 thoughts on “About Me

  1. This is great Jer!
    I’m so excited to follow you on your journey.

  2. DivineGrace says:

    Love your blog 🙂 I’m happy I found it…

  3. Kelly Doan says:

    Hi Jer .love your blog .
    MM .

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